Monday 16 July 2007

Green Tea - health benefits, and weight loss

by Ivan Hince

For quite some time now I have read articles on the health benefits of green tea. The majority and I would go as far to say about 95% say that by drinking two to four cups a day can boost your immune system, which in turn can help with health benefits, and weight loss.

Every where you look on the Internet there are references to diets using Green Tea. I have not delved into this side of things at the moment, but I will do when I have the time.

There are many references to Green tea helping cancer sufferers, and how they say that the antioxidant in it's make up will help to reduce tumours and also to help further spread of new tumors. It was the Chinese who's emperor Shennong who first claimed that by drinking green tea that it's different taste would help in all manner of ailments. That was 4700 years ago. Since that time drinkers from all over the world now take it, and many have fantastic health claims on how it has helped them.

Like all types of drinks there are many different types, and to get one to your likening could take some time. Another thing you must bare in mind that like coffee, and normal tea is that it does contain caffeine, which can give you sleep problems by keeping you awake. At this point I have to admit that I've only just started to drink it, and I have to say that it's refreshing, and it seems to clean your mouth as you drink it.

I did read somewhere that it could also help with HIV. But please bare in mind that it is not a cure, nor will it help prevent it. Another fact that came to light was about the diet side of things, and that the antioxidant part of green tea as well as being good for you immune system which actually speed up you metabolism giving you more energy, which results in you burning off the fat on your body quicker. I think as you get older we all could use a little more energy, and the weight loss off my middle would be excellent.

If you are a normal tea drinker you have to stop yourself from putting in milk, as apparently the milk will stop all of its healing properties, and that your immune system will gain no benefit.
Summing up I think that if anyone does have any form of illness it would be certainly worth finding a brand that it palette-able to you. Whatever illness the individual person gets it's certainly worth trying. If you are close to a Chinese supermarket you will find hundreds of different blends, and that the shop owner is often very proud to point you in the right direction to get the right one for your illness. Otherwise most supermarkets/hypermarkets do carry a good range.

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